
Their Splendid Mission.....$ 8.99

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When Rowena is blinded in an accident, her father knows that she can no longer fetch the bridal price needed to sustain the family. Instead of arranging her marriage, he trades Rowena as an indentured servant to a tannery far from home. There she faces almost insurmountable challenges, yet she presses on, believing that it is her responsibility to finish her betrothal year and marry a wealthy merchant's son. But when she falls in love with a tender, handsome man named Gabriel, she must choose between her heart and her obligation, making a decision that will forever determine the course of her life.

Through the characters in this exciting book, Their Splendid Mission, you'll become a part of the everyday life of the Jews during the time of Christ. This turbulent period of history comes alive, allowing readers to experience biblical times firsthand as each character learns to navigate between love and duty, religion and spirituality, old customs and new callings.